Monday, March 20, 2017

Climbing Steep Watermelon Hills

Amazing things pic story - choose a picture from the file sent to you in your writing folder.Make a new writing document and title it.
  • Your story should have a hook in sentence, a beginning middle and end, descriptive words, long and short sentences and capital letters and full stops.
  • Your story could have paragraphs, speech and speech marks, alliteration, onomatopoeia and similes.
  • Edit and check your story on your own , with a buddy and have it checked by a teacher before you blog.

Once there were two people one named Kyra-Laiz and one named Essence, they were both girls. They loved to climb hills so one day they both meet each other at the bus stop and went to some big hills. When they got there they said it will be called  Watermelon Hills so now what we have to do is climb them all but we can have food for our break, so let's go. That day they both climbed one hill each. That night they put a big camping tent up for the night. The next day they both climbed one hill each again. That day when they got to the top of the hills they said yayyyyyyy we made it. They could see everything. That night they both had a party about those two days. They both said the Watermelon Hills were as cool as a snowflake.
The next day they both went to the Watermelon Hills again but they went with their family.
They said we named this the Watermelon Hills so everybody do you like it and everybody said do we like, it we love it! Kyra-laiz and Essence laughed and said thank you everybody and they were in the newspaper.In the newspaper they said the hills were very hard to climb  but we did it and they were stars forever and ever. Yay!

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